
Total Commander v7.50 RC2가 출현 되었습니다.

ScanMAC 2009. 8. 28. 12:10
Total Commander v7.50 Release Candidate 2 버전이 나왔습니다.

Total Commander v7.50 RC2 받기

27.08.09 Release Total Commander 7.50 RC2
27.08.09 Added: Chinese main land language now included by default
27.08.09 Fixed: Use Unicode functions to subclass windows, e.g. when showing the right click context menu
26.08.09 Fixed: Selection was lost when switching away from TC and back while quick filter active, even if nothing changed in the directory
26.08.09 Fixed: FTP servers which return paths in the form "c:/some/dir" instead of Unix form "/some/dir" didn't work with queue function of background transfer manager (+ button or F5-F2)
26.08.09 Fixed: Changed certificate (used to sign installer and program) to new company name "Ghisler Software GmbH"
26.08.09 Fixed: FTP: Chinese UTF-8 names on Chinese Windows were sometimes not detected correctly

25.08.09 Release Total Commander 7.50 RC2 pre 1
25.08.09 Fixed: FTP resume upload in foreground -> names of source and target file were not shown
25.08.09 Fixed: In place rename: ENTER+ESC didn't work when renaming file after changing path with in place edit
25.08.09 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Do not close dropdown list when user releases mouse over up/down arrow panels, only during drag&drop
25.08.09 Fixed: Some message dialogs couldn't be shown after copying in the foreground (because file dialog handle wasn't reset to 0)
25.08.09 Fixed: Auto-refresh file list when switching away from TC and back also when a quick filter is active (and keep the filter active)
24.08.09 Fixed: Accessing UNC paths longer than 259 characters didn't work. Reason: They require a DIFFERENT prefix in the form \\?\UNC\<server>\<share>\path
23.08.09 Fixed: When moving files/dirs to a new directory, do not simply copy the security attributes from the folder. Instead, set empty security attributes and "inherit" flag
21.08.09 Fixed: Quick filter (Ctrl+S) couldn't be removed in virtual folders with F2/Ctrl+R (reread source)
21.08.09 Fixed: Do not try to get per file icons for files desktop.ini and target.lnk in directories which are part of a virtual folder (attribute set to read only or system, contains file desktop.ini)
21.08.09 Fixed: "Delete" menu item missing in separate tree
21.08.09 Fixed: Ctrl+Up arrow on LNK pointing to deleted destination could cause an access violation
20.08.09 Fixed: Now using MS VC++ 6.0 instead of Watcom C++ for installer, because it didn't work for one user
19.08.09 Fixed: Reduce flicker of right click cursor progress bar when moving mouse
19.08.09 Fixed: Drag&Drop: Cursor could lose its attached file icon when not moved for a while over the target panel
19.08.09 Fixed: Watchdirs didn't correctly handle external quick filter dll (tcmatch.dll)
18.08.09 Fixed: If IViewAdditionalTypes was longer than supported, the types could be cut in the middle, so a wrong search could result (e.g. *.cdr could be cut as *.c or just * when length reached)
18.08.09 Fixed: Internal associations: Current path wasn't set before starting an external program when an association menu was shown (open=* option)
18.08.09 Fixed: Click on locked tab would open new tab if DrivesShowUpcase=1, but the tab is stored with a lowercase drive letter
18.08.09 Fixed: Watchdirs may miss some files in right panel if both panels show the same dir, and 100s of file changes are reported in a short time
18.08.09 Fixed: Standalone synchronize dirs: The title bar was cleared when sync copy ended while the dialog was in the background
18.08.09 Fixed: Files - Split file: Option "Delete files on target disk" no longer worked (it should work on removable disks only)
18.08.09 Fixed: Some dialog box controls were no longer translated: Tab in packed file info dialog, some comboboxes in main configuration dialog after changing language and click on "Apply", Configure custom sounds, Run minimized in button bar dialog
17.08.09 Fixed: Resource leak when creating Unicode controls from non-Unicode window class -> Windows seems to create one extra USER object each time
16.08.09 Fixed: Right click context menu, Windows 64bit: X64 submenu wasn't available in current path or drive right click menu
16.08.09 Fixed: Right click context menu, Windows 64bit: X64 submenu not working on virtual folders -> make it work for those which can be resolved to a real path
16.08.09 Fixed: Windows 7: Progress bar in taskbar icon remained after clicking "background", pausing and then canceling the operation
16.08.09 Fixed: Couldn't auto-disconnect ftp on suspend, which could crash some VPN software -> wincmd.ini DisconnectOnSuspend=0 with 0=no, 1=disconnect all ftp, 2=disconnect ftp+fs plugins, 3=both
16.08.09 Fixed: FTP delete in background transfer manager didn't consider the "FTP show hidden files" option, so files in subdirs starting with a dot couldn't be deleted
16.08.09 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, load list of "only selected" from file: Last item in list could be ignored if the list was using Unicode and didn't end with a line break
16.08.09 Fixed: Dual monitors, button bar: ToolTip was shown on wrong screen when using keyboard interface
16.08.09 Fixed: FTP, Synchronize dirs: Warn the user only once about files with same name but difference case (e.g. 'a' and 'A'), even if there are multiple
16.08.09 Fixed: Hotkeys were not translated (Ctrl->Strg) in German Lister
16.08.09 Fixed: ToolTip was shown for directories containing a dot although none should be shown, because the text after the dot was seen as an extension